Our Vision
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Our vision and the Recharge mission. In a nutshell, we are here to make a positive impact on the fitness sector. We want to create a healthier and fitter nation, building an engaged, motivated and inspired community that encourages others to workout.
Commercial Proposition
We've shaken up the industry by creating a unique model for commercial gyms; top-grade gym equipment with better savings, a more personal touch, and a genuine partner that wants to see you succeed. However, it's not right for everyone, with most gyms saving around 37%, do you meet our qualifying criteria?
Community First
Our mission is to create a healthier and fitter nation. That means inspiring, educating, and motivating the general public. We do this in various ways from physical events, and our social platform to helping gyms and fitness professionals flourish. Ultimately we want more people to exercise and improve their overall health (physical and mental).
Getting Social
We love chatting to our customers. Whether you're a newbie looking to get fit, or a PT launching their first gym, the process is the same; understand your goals, and support you the best we possibly can in making those dreams a reality. So please stay in touch with us on our various social platforms, we love seeing you smash it, whatever 'it' means for you.
The UK is in trouble, we have an ageing population which will naturally strain the NHS, combined with an ever-increasing public waistband. Increased screen time, less exercise opportunity, reduced sports participation, it's all leading to increasing levels of obesity and less healthy habits. We want to do our bit to change this. Healthy behaviours create healthier people. Knowledge is power so we want to educate and help push those who are educating. We also want to inspire.
Our industry can create a toxic environment, in today's social media-heavy world, you log online and see an array of greek god and goddess like people showing off unbelievable physiques. It can be intimidating, To make matters worse, half are promoting fad diets, magic pills and miracle workouts which will have little to no impact on your own physique. We want to celebrate these people who are in tremendous shape and who are putting out good honest content, but also celebrate those who are winning personal battles, those who are making strides no matter how small.
Finally we want to boost those who are in need. Those who need a little motivational pep talk, those who need a bit of inspiration, those who are trying their best but who don't have the means to maximise their own impact. Take young PT Eddie from Tanzania, he trains over 50 people in a little village in Tanzania, Africa with some shocking equipment, we manage to get a little campaign together and sent him out a load of Recharge kit for free for him and the villagers to use. This is the type of activity that gives us energy, and it's guys like Eddie who help us not only create a healthier nation, but a healthier world.
So whilst we are completely focused on creating incredible gym equipment and becoming the UK's number-one gym equipment brand. We want to do so much more, we want to help. We will forever chase down our mission of creating a healthier and fitter nation.
We will educate and inspire.
We will promote and champion those who are giving back.
We will help the home market create incredible spaces.
We will enable top sporting and fitness performers to excel.
We will assist personal trainers launch their first gyms.
We will create and connect the fitness community to drive positive change.
We will work with independent gyms to help them scale their businesses.
More amazing gyms, whether that is home, garage, PT studio, sports club, or commercial gyms, mean more opportunities to get active.