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Guest blog from ; How do I exercise as a mum?

Hey Im Holls, mumma to one blue eyed, adventurous toddler! I'm a Personal Trainer, which is useful as I need to keep up with bubba, but also useful as I understand how important fitness is for mummas and also realise how hard it is to fit it in around babe!

So why should I exercise and how the frig do I fit that in! Have a read below and hopefully you will find some useful tips...

Why should I exercise

1. Increased energy: Exercising produces endorphins which when released produce feelings of pain relief, well-being and energy! When you exercise it strengthens your circulation - giving you more energy! You train your body to cultivate energy during exercise; this strength carries over into your day to day, thus making you less tired. Don't all mummas need more energy?

2. Stress relief: As a mumma there are enough things to be stressed about! Working out is a huge stress reliever. I for one love to sweat out the stress!

3. Happiness! Exercise can elevate our levels of serotonin and make us happier. The common term “runner’s high” is the feeling you get when you exercise that helps you feel happier or joyful during and after exercises. This can help us fight postpartum depression or just the everyday weight of motherhood. Admittedly in the joyful feeling may not be present half way through a squat sesh, but the after effect once the workout is done is what you need!

4. Health - holistic gym - physical and mental health. Can also be a time for you!

5. Role Models to your kids!

6. Confidence and Strength - I’m all about body positivity and being confident in your own skin. Exercise can keep you healthy and happy! It also will increase your fitness so you can keep up with them - trust me they get faster!

How on earth do I start a new fitness regime when I have little ones

Get it in the diary

- Whether that's getting up 20mins earlier to get a HIIT workout in or getting your partner to have the kids on a Monday night so you can go to a class - get it in the diary!


- Do it with a mate! I have a Thursday 6.15am HIIT session on zoom that mates sign up to. It's so easy to press snooze or find an excuse but if I’m meeting a mate I won't bail!

- Get a mate to keep you accountable or even message each other a sweaty after pic at 6.45 once you have done the workout!

Get Imaginative

- Do it with your kids

- Get active with them! Do a 15 Joe Wicks HIIT with them.

- Get the mat out and some toys and get them copying you!

- Family fitness!

- Can you run while they bike?

- Nap times

- I know there's washing, cooking, catching up on Netflix, but how

about once a week, programming a workout into that time?

- Dance!

- My 18 month old finds it hilarious! It's fun, gets your heart rate up

and burns some calories.

- Choose your favourite x3 tracks and dance away with your little ones!

Join a class

- Classes are great ways to make fitness fun! Also great if you have no idea what you're doing or where to start and meet some like minded people!

- There are lots of baby and toddler friendly classes too! I run for toddlers in buggies and one for non moving babes where they chill and we workout around them!

Set some Goals

- I'm a person that works really well when I have a goal. Set a goal to get active x1 a week and maybe add in a walk a week. You will soon find you notice the benefits of regular exercise!


Thank you Holls! You can reach Holls on Facebook and Instagram on and equally if you're after a little help, coaching and inspiration, feel free to send her an email on:

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